
Medtech Components CSI Group is Specialized in the Manufacture of Components & Assemblies for the Medical Industry

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With our Group’s extensive experience in the MedTech field, we have created a strong know-how in the design, manufacture, and development of medical devices such as implants and instrumentation.

Through our dedicated Partner relationships, we have specialized production sites committed to meeting the required industry standards. These facilities conform to ISO 13485:2016 and are FDA Approved.



Trauma Spine Dental
Nails Cages Abutments
Screws Screws Implants
Plates Plates Instruments
Instruments Tulips Pillars


Standard Metals Standard Plastics
Chrome Cobalt PEEK
Nickel Alloys Polypropylene (Tecapro)

Value Added Services
Value Added Services

Our Engineering Team is here to collaborate with our customer in the design, regulatory, and quality phases of their project. Our Team will provide guidance from prototype to end use product, and to successful launch and mass production.

By utilizing a CSI Group VMI program, we offer customers the following solutions which guarantee contracting pricing, inventory commitment, on-time delivery, and respected lead times.